Why do we Recite an Ecumenical Creed Every Sunday?
Jason Cherry
Jan 3, 2022
American evangelicalism, which has boasted in creedlessness, is failing chiefly through the lack of them. In one sense, of course, fixed creeds are inescapable. The ...
Review of Anthony Bradley’s Article on Critical Race Theory
Jason Cherry
Apr 30, 2021
Recently Anthony Bradley published an article at Mere Orthodoxy entitled “Critical Race Theory Isn’t a Threat for Presbyterians.” Bradley argues that the Presbyterian ...
What if Christians taught the Christian Creed?
Jason Cherry
Oct 21, 2020
G.K. Chesterton once said that “the educationist must find a creed and teach it.” It only makes sense that Christians should be committed to teaching the Christian creed.
25 Theses on why we use a book of old confessions
Jason Cherry
Aug 27, 2020
At Trinity Reformed Church we use a “Book of Confessions” to state what we believe the Scriptures to teach. While we have provided a bullet pointed summary...