


How Politics Killed Jesus

Jason Cherry

Sep 16, 2024

The Sanhedrin had been crowned, anointed, and named the official power brokers of Israel. When the rogue rabbi from Nazareth showed up, they claimed the right to kill ...

The Conspiracy of Absalom

Jason Cherry

Aug 19, 2024

Absalom, David’s third son, is a character painted in the vivid and tragic hues of Scripture. He is introduced as a man of striking appearance.

Joab the Commander: Savage or Saint?

Jason Cherry

Jul 29, 2024

Bible readers are well-acquainted with the luminous figures of the Old Testament: the first Adam, the venerable Abraham, and the illustrious Patriarchs, not ...

Laughter is Resurrection

Jason Cherry

May 2, 2022

Wendell Berry concludes his poem, Manifesto: Mad Farmer Liberation Front, with the exhortation to “practice resurrection.” In this same poem, he says, “Expect the end...

Following God from a Distance

Matt Carpenter

Apr 25, 2022

When I was young, I remember hearing a preacher ask the congregation, “Are you following closely to God?” He meant that we should all follow as closely as we can at ...

The Call to Persistence

Matt Carpenter

Apr 11, 2022

Galatians 6:7-10, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap ...

Preparing for the World to Come

Matt Carpenter

Feb 26, 2022

“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed...

Rinse and Repeat: Encouragements to Press On

Jason Cherry

Feb 20, 2022

If the genesis of Calvinism lies in the sovereignty of God, the genesis of fatalism lies in the failure to understand the companion reality of the responsibility of man..

Launch out into the deep

Matt Carpenter

Feb 14, 2022

Luke 5:1-11 presents the story of Jesus calling some of His apostles. It reads as follows: And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the...

A Brief Theology of Possessions

Jason Cherry

Jan 24, 2022

The problem of “stuff” in modern American life is not that we have too much of it, but we have the wrong view of it. Put again, the problem isn’t stuff, but our misuse...

Theocracy – the Christian Hope

Matt Carpenter

Sep 6, 2021

The word “theocracy” carries a lot of baggage today. A term of derision for many, it conjures up visions of dictatorial governments, strict rules, and forced ...

What is the relationship between apostasy and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Jason Cherry

Aug 17, 2021

In our recent sermon entitled “Whiteness is not the unforgivable sin,” (which can be found by clicking here) we defined blasphemy against the Spirit, AKA the ...

One Little Word Shall Fell Him

Jason Cherry

Apr 23, 2021

Comedian Roy Rogers used to say that he only knew what he read in the papers. Well, if you’ve been reading the paper lately, or the online paper, there is a decided...

Six Principles of Christian Fasting

Jason Cherry

Apr 18, 2021

NOTE: This blog post is based on teaching notes from the sermon on 4.18.21. If you would like to listen to the entire sermon, click here. First, fasting is a matter of ..

Christian Foundations: The Fall and Original Sin

Jason Cherry

Jun 17, 2024

Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptations of Satan, sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. This their sin God was pleased, according...

Christian Foundations: The Divinity of Christ

Jason Cherry

Jun 10, 2024

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God...

Traditions: The Living Faith of the Dead

Jason Cherry

Jun 3, 2024

There is a need for careful distinction between tradition and traditionalism. The word “tradition” appears six times in Mark 7:1-23. Jesus is teaching about what...

Human Nature is Religious and Why It Matters

Jason Cherry

May 27, 2024

In the book, What is a Person?, Christian Smith argues that human beings express specific capacities, powers, limits, and tendencies that form human nature.

Seven Truths About Art

Jason Cherry

Apr 22, 2024

Francis Schaeffer said, “For a Christian, redeemed by the work of Christ and living within the norms of Scripture and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit...

50 Characteristics of Pseudoprophetes

Jason Cherry

Apr 15, 2024

False prophets speak super-spiritual language to deceive and manipulate people (Lamentations 2:14). False prophets promise peace when it suits their interest and war...

Symbiotic Kinship: Converging the Complex Bond of Faith and Works

Jason Cherry

Apr 8, 2024

“I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; 14...

The Good News of Everlasting Fire

Matthew Carpenter

Apr 1, 2024

“Now I will rise,” says the Lord; “Now I will be exalted, Now I will lift Myself up.You shall conceive chaff, You shall bring forth stubble; Your breath, as fire...

“He Descended into Hades”: Retrieving Holy Saturday

Gage Crowder

Mar 25, 2024

Holy Saturday is probably the most ignored day on the Church calendar. Less maliciously, it is certainly the easiest day to forget in the Eastertide season...

C.S. Lewis on Church Membership

Jason Cherry

Feb 26, 2024

On February 10, 1945, C.S. Lewis read a paper to the Society of St. Alban and St. Sergius entitled “Membership.” The paper was published in Sobornost, no. 31, in June...

Rousseau’s Bluff: A Christian Response to Enlightenment Anthropology

Jason Cherry

Feb 12, 2024

The wider intellectual trend of the “age of light” (as Jonathan Edwards referred to the Enlightenment) was the emphasis on man’s libertarian free will—the individual’s...

Hope and Optimism

Matthew Carpenter

Nov 13, 2023

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Most people would call themselves optimistic, but that’s because most people in the U.S. consider themselves an optimist...

Raising Canaan: The “Curse of Ham” Reconsidered (Part 3)

Gage Crowder

Oct 23, 2023

Thomas Merton said that judgments from God are also always the mercy of God.[1] Though this thought is perhaps perplexing at first, we would do well to listen to the...

Raising Canaan: The “Curse of Ham” Reconsidered (Part 2)

Gage Crowder

Oct 16, 2023

Along with Jeptha’s rash vow, Elisha’s boy-gorging she-bears, and the baby-bashing crescendo of Psalm 137, few passages promise to wreck your morning coffee...

Raising Canaan: The “Curse of Ham” Reconsidered (Part 1)

Gage Crowder

Oct 9, 2023

A father-and-son at enmity, a hint of nudity, the air of conspiracy–the scene in Noah’s vineyard tent after the flood smacks with all of the trappings of an HBO...

Thirty Theses About Good Works

Jason Cherry

Oct 2, 2023

Faith is the antecedent condition of justification (Rom. 5:1). Works are not efficacious for acquiring justification (Rom. 3:23f; 5:5). Regenerate Christians will ...

Who Killed Jesus?

Jason Cherry

Sep 11, 2023

The murder of Christ is not a fragment of a larger theology. It is the larger theology that touches every fragment. In the death and resurrection of Christ...

Submitting to God's Righteousness

Larson Hicks

Aug 28, 2023

It is SO GOOD to be home! Summer was pretty hectic for the Hicks family, but we enjoyed making some lovely memories with Jed before he left and I got to drop him off ...

Five Questions About Assurance

Jason Cherry

Aug 7, 2023

Evangelicals exhibit a mysterious suspicion of the assurance of salvation. And so it is that lots of Christians struggle with a lack of assurance. They have anxiety about the final...

A Biblical Study of Blessing

Jason Cherry

Jul 10, 2023

The word “bless” is a regular part of life in the South. Clerks conclude the transaction with “Have a blessed day.” Little old ladies conclude the gossip huddle with ...

Situational Psalms

Jason Cherry

Jun 26, 2023

Many of you are now in the midst of memorizing Psalms for our annual Psummer Psalms (thanks to Daron Drown for organizing this event every year). This is where you...

Anointing with Oil

Jason Cherry

Jun 12, 2023

In Mark 6:7-13 Jesus sends the twelve disciples out on an authorized mission. The word used for “send” in Mark 6:7 is apostello, which is a cognate of the word apostle...

Cyrus: God’s Unexpected Messiah

Jason Cherry

May 29, 2023

In 556 B.C. King Nabonidus inherited the land between the Tigris and Euphrates. This was a constantly disputed territory and a challenger arose to rival the rule of...

“The Day of the Lord” and the “Lord’s Day”: Or, What Happens on Sundays?

Gage Crowder

Feb 27, 2023

“This is the day that the Lord has made, / I will rejoice and be glad in it.” These words of Psalm 118:24 often echoed through my rural church just after the...

Belial and the Covenant

Jason Cherry

Jan 9, 2023

I’m about to tell you about a fellow named Belial. Well, he’s not a fellow as much as he is a repeating series of worthless sons. But we’ll get to that. Then I will...

Waiting for a King

Matthew Carpenter

Dec 19, 2022

This article originally appeared at the North American Anglican It’s interesting how many Western legends include the tale of a sleeping hero: one who ...

Faith, Conversion, and the Mysteries of God

Jason Cherry

Nov 7, 2022

“The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


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trinity reformed church