
Join us for worship

Join us for worship

Trinity Admin

Oct 19, 2021

Join us for worship

10:30 am at 183 Shelton Rd, Madison, AL 35758

What to expect

Each Lord’s Day God’s people are called into His presence, to worship Him in Spirit and truth. Because of Christ’s work on our behalf, we can come before Him, singing and praying with joy, reverence, and godly fear. After the call to worship, we confess our sins, confess our faith, hear God’s word read, listen to the sermon, receive the tithes and offerings, receive communion, and are commissioned to go out into the world and share God’s blessings.At Trinity, you will hear the sound of little children in worship. We do have a place available to take infants and toddlers during the sermon, but we encourage parents to keep their children in worship as much as possible. We want our children to worship with us, because this is where we meet with God. We want our children to know the joy of a relationship with God; we want them to learn how to sing, pray, listen, and commune together with the Triune God. Covenant children are a heritage from the Lord and we are training them to stand up to God’s enemies (Psalm 127:3-5).

What we believe


In a nutshell, that means that we believe in:

Scripture: We believe that the Bible is absolutely true.Jesus: We believe that Christ died for our sins and is the only hope of salvation.Grace: We believe that God has given His grace to us freely.Faith: We believe that faith is the only way we can receive God’s free gift of grace.The Glory of God: We believe that God deserves all the glory for His works.


Trinity Reformed Church is a mission church (plant) serving the greater Huntsville metro area of Alabama. Sponsor/Planting church: Trinity Presbyterian Church (CREC) in Birmingham, AL



3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804



3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


trinity reformed church

trinity reformed church