
The TRC Blog Complete Article Directory

The TRC Blog Complete Article Directory

Trinity Admin

Jan 1, 2024

Compiled December 2023

Below you will find a compilation of all the articles we have published at Trinity Reformed Church. Some might wonder why we are committed to writing. The answer is this: We write because we know our people are surfing the internet looking for articles to read. And while that article over at missionalreformedjourneygospelcentered.com might say something useful, it wasn’t written for you by people that love you. We don’t write for a larger audience. Our essays are written for the congregation of Trinity Reformed Church in Huntsville, Alabama. We write because our love cannot be contained.


Difficult to Believe


Too Happy with the World


Baptists and Baptism: What Will It Take to Achieve Catholicity?

Why Teach on Baptism?

Books and Reading

Book Recommendations (2021)

Book Recommendations (2022)

Book Recommendations (2023 Part One)

Book Recommendations (2023 Part Two)

Enlarge Your Soul

Review of its good to be a man a handbook for godly masculinity

Review of Joel Biermann Wholly Citizens: Gods Two Realms and Christian Engagement With the World

The Sin of Marie St. Claire


Catholicity and What it is Not


25 Theses on why we use a book of old confessions

What if Christians taught the Christian creed?

Why do we recite an ecumenical creed every Sunday?

Review of Anthony Bradley's article on critical race theory

Covenant Renewal Worship

The Day of the Lord: Or What Happens on Sunday?

Why do we recite an ecumenical creed every Sunday?

The Benediction

Why do we Pray So Much During Covenant Renewal Worship?

Covenant Renewal Worship and the Lord's Supper

The Exhortation

Covenant Renewal Worship

Why do Christians Worship on Sunday?

Why Confess Sin Every Sunday?

Fuddled Worship: Why Virtual Worship is no Substitute for In Person Worship

Why Haven't We Canceled Worship Services?


T.S. Eliot's Nehemian Vision

Defenders of Civilization

Class Catechism: English Civil War through American Civil War

Class Catechism: U.S. History 20th - 21st Century

Class Catechism: The New Testament

Class Catechism: Economics

The Lost Timeline of Learning

Christian Career Prep

Engaging the Culture

The Ghosts of Modern Science: How Darwin and Huxley Redefined the World

Christians and History and Christian History

The Caging of God

White Man's Backlash

The Dubious Diversity Rationale

A New Vision for Virtue in Public Things

Dude Remix

Violence and the Secular Society

The Authenticity Ethos versus Biblical Christianity

God and Culture

God and Self-Realization

God and Psychotherapy

Christian Reflections for Veterans Day

All Culture Making is Local

The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate

What to do about the secular takeover?

How Should Christians Respond to Censure?

What to do When Your Boss Encourages You to Support the Moral Revolution

Should Christians Sign the DEI Statement?

Toward Christian Virtue in the Temporal Realm

Antisemitism: Conservative Christianity's Unwelcome Guest

The New Virtue of Compromise

Is Huntsville an Abortion Sanctuary City?

Transgender Roundup


An Eschatology of Fellowship

Apolitical Postmillennialism

This World and the Next

Children of Victory

How is Kingdom Optimism Different from the Power of Positive Thinking?

Resisting Pagan Eschatology


Subjectivism: The Tie that Binds

A Short History of Evangelical Confusion

Studies in Reversal

Straightening our Path

A Game Plan for Slumped Shouldered Christians

What is it? Explaining the Gist of Good Preaching

Too Happy with the World

Evangelicalism: A Diagnostic Exam

Thick or Thin?

Family and The Household

Questions This Dad Has for the College Recruiter Who has Come for My Child

Understanding Youthful Arrogance

Why Do Teenage Boys Start Cussing?

T.S. Eliot's 'Nehemian' Vision

The Weapon of Submission

Husbands and Headship

Grandparenting and the Transcendent Summons

The City Unveiled: Encouragements for Family Devotions

So We're The Church That Hosts English Country Dances

C.S. Lewis on the Christian Household

Reflections on the Great Commission

A Brief Theology of Inheritance

Review of its good to be a man a handbook for godly masculinity

Modern Ironies and the Industrial Revolution

Christian Career Prep

A Word for the High School Graduates of TRC

An Open Letter to the TRC Teenagers

Fox Hunting

Male Headship: One Sign You are Failing


Pilgrim Perseverance

A Short History of Evangelical Confusion

The Reformation: What is it?

The Reformation: Why was it Necessary?

The Reformation: What is it?

Martin Luther: Purveyor of Reform

Modern Ironies and the Industrial Revolution

John Calvin and the American Republic

Zwingli and the Divided Soul of the Reformation

Expostulatio: A Response to Allen Guelzo on a Christian Founding

Evangelicals Know Better

How Should Christians Remember King George III?


Pornography Canceled

The Complicated Topic of Self-Love

How to fight a spirit of self-satisfaction

Why Do Teenage Boys Start Cussing?

The Proverbs 28 Method for Subjugating Sin

How do Christians Rationalize Fornication?

Understanding Hypocrisy

The Sin of Marie St. Claire

The Great Commission

Principles for Distancing: Or When do I Stop Ministering to that Person?

The Danger of a Half-Gospel

Reflections on the Great Commission

Freedom to Serve in Your Calling


Waiting for a King

Faith, Conversion, and the Mysteries of God

Laughter is Resurrection

Following God from a Distance

The Call to Persistence

Preparing for the World to Come

Rinse and Repeat: Encouragements to Press On

Launch Out Into the Deep

A Brief Theology of Possessions

Theocracy: The Christian Hope

What is the Relationship Between Apostasy and Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit

The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate

Six Principles of Christian Fasting

One Little Word Shall Fell Him


Hope and Optimism

Raising Canaan: The Curse of Ham Reconsidered

Thirty Theses About Good Works

What's New About the New Covenant?

Who Killed Jesus?

Covenantal Architecture

Submitting to God's Righteousness

Five Questions About Assurance

A Biblical Study of Blessing

Situational Psalms

Anointing with Oil

Cyrus: God's Unexpected Messiah

The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate

Creativity and the Church: Or, How to Develop Creativity

Belial and the Covenant


Inner Circle Syndrome


3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804



3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


trinity reformed church

trinity reformed church