Engaging Culture

Toward Christian Virtue in the Temporal Realm

Toward Christian Virtue in the Temporal Realm

Jason Cherry

Aug 21, 2023

One year ago we published this article casting a vision for promoting God’s will in the temporal realm. If you haven’t read the article, you can do so here.

We don’t want our political commitments to swallow our unique Christian proclamation or argle-bargle the content of the gospel. We don’t want to sanctify modern political zeal with a few bible verses attached to the outrage of the latest political commentator. We don’t want to be co-opted by the state or the agenda of political parties.

Rather, we want the church to thoroughly be the church—the congregation of poor, pitiful sinners who are redeemed and transformed by the rich, blessed grace of the Creator God. This starts with the church’s commitment to Word and Sacrament, to prayer and fellowship, to suffering before glory. When the church is thoroughly Christian in every respect, the Word, Sacrament, prayer, fellowship, and suffering don’t compel the members to shun the world. Instead, each member leaves the assembly renewed. And what is renewal if not preparation to live faithfully as a dad, mom, boss, minion, student, and citizen? The Christian calling to “walk in” Christ (Col. 2:6) applies to every category of human existence because of a distinct political proclamation: Jesus is Lord (Col. 1:15-20). This proclamation is the political reality more real than real. It governs all Christian activity, whether at church, at home, at work, at school, or in the city.

The Lordship of Christ leads God’s people to self-denying service in every realm. A Father has obligations to his children, just as a boss does to his employees, and the magistrate toward the citizen. Likewise, a child has obligations to his parents just as an employee does to a boss and a citizen to the magistrates.[1] Fulfilling these obligations doesn’t distract from the gospel, but ignoring them does. Why? Because by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven, you are declared righteous, and you are made a new creation in Christ. This entails a life of love and service. It also entails each member receiving their gifts, roles, and responsibilities. Martin Luther called this the doctrine of vocation and he believed it flowed naturally from the gospel itself.[2]

The gifts, roles, and responsibilities are determined, in part, by the setting, situation, and direction of life. God has not called someone born in Huntsville, Alabama in the twenty-first century to be a crusading Knight. But a boy born in Pengwern, Wales during the Medieval Age might be. The ability of ordinary citizens to vote is inconceivable in the fourteenth-century Ottoman Empire. But God has called people who live in Huntsville to vote faithfully for their city council members. This requires at least two things. Thing one is a well-grounded commitment to the political reality more real than real, namely, Jesus is Lord. Thing two is knowledge of local candidates.

Trinity Reformed Church (TRC) exists to proclaim thing one. The Huntsville Watchers exist to fulfill thing two. In so doing, TRC serves the spiritual realm and the Huntsville Watchers serve the temporal realm. Each honors God the Creator. There is currently no reliable source of information about Huntsville politics. There is no good way to examine the record of local politicians running for election. The Huntsville Watchers want to serve their neighbors by changing that.

The reason it is difficult to stay informed about local politics is that it is the slowest and dullest business in the world. One monstrously maddening principle of the world is that the most important things are done in the most boring ways. Sitting through a three-hour city council meeting is as exciting and pellucid as translating cryptograms in Hegel, had he written them. This is by design. It ensures that the unimportant people don’t interfere. The surprising thing is that we put up with it. The resulting thing is that our only knowledge about municipal business is that I have complaints. In this scenario, madness takes an active and passive form. We actively complain and passively do nothing to change it. When it is time to vote in the local election—“Wait, that’s today!?!”—the entire polis is struck with acute political paralysis. There are names on ballots plainly to be distinguished. But no one has distinguished them because they wouldn’t know where to begin if they tried. Then when council member #2 proposes that wicked ordinance, you throw up your arms in a truly fantastic fashion.

But what if we stopped putting up with this? The vision of the Huntsville Watchers is to create an organization that becomes the central hub of local political information for local citizens, especially Christians. The Watchers have made progress during the past year in making this vision a reality. Now they are ready for people who want to chip in and assist the effort. If you merely like to complain about politics, please don’t respond. If you are just idly curious, please don’t respond. They want people of action who love their neighbor.

Your time is valuable.  Everyone leads busy lives. So they’ve designed their volunteer commitments to be flexible and accommodating to your schedule and skills. Are you a talented writer, editor, web publisher, or administrator? Do you have an eye toward organizing content for a wide audience?  They’re seeking individuals with these skills to join the ranks. Here's how you can contribute:

Writing: Your eloquent words will be the voice of the Huntsville Watchers. You'll have the opportunity to create compelling articles, reports, and voter guides that shed light on important issues, educate the public, and hold government officials accountable.

Editing: Your keen eye for detail will help ensure the accuracy and clarity of communications. You'll review and refine content, ensuring that it effectively conveys the intended message, and informs our audience.

Web Publishing: Your digital prowess will help us disseminate information efficiently and effectively. By managing the website and online platforms, you'll make the content easily accessible to the community, amplifying the impact and reach.

Administration: Your organizational skills will be instrumental in keeping the operations running smoothly. From managing schedules and documentation to streamlining processes, your administrative expertise will be invaluable.

God has a specific calling for the temporal realm. The work of the Huntsville Watchers is for the sake of your neighbors. If you are looking for a way to use your skills and talents to serve your neighbor, then join them today. If you have any questions or want more information, reach out to Ben Wireman at Wiremanbenjamin@gmail.com.


[1] The sixteenth article of the Augsburg Confession says, “Concerning civil polity and government it is taught, that all authority in the world, established governments and laws, are good and divine; that Christians may hold either legislative, judicial, or executive offices, without sin; and may decide cases, pronounce judgments, and punish transgressors, agreeably to imperial or other established laws; may wage just wars, and serve in them; make lawful contracts; take oaths, when required; may hold property, marry, and be married, etc. The Anabaptists are here condemned, who teach, that none of these things now mentioned, are consistent with Christianity.”


[2] The sixteenth article of the Augsburg Confession goes on to say, “For the Gospel does not teach an external, temporary, but an internal, lasting habit and righteousness of heart; nor does it invalidate civil government, polity, and matrimony, but it requires the observance of all these, as true ordinances of God. And in such stations, each one according to his vocation, should manifest Christian love and genuine good works.” https://www.1580boc.org/ac/i-xxi


3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804



3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


trinity reformed church

trinity reformed church