Jason Cherry
Jan 2, 2023
Compiled December 2022
Below you will find a compilation of all the articles we have published at Trinity Reformed Church. Some might wonder why we are committed to writing. The answer is this: We write because we know our people are surfing the internet looking for articles to read. And while that article over at might say something useful, it wasn’t written for you by people that love you. We don’t write for a larger audience. Our essays are written for the congregation of Trinity Reformed Church in Huntsville, Alabama. We write because our love cannot be contained.
We are also committed to publishing articles that are high in quality. They must meet a certain standard of style and content before they are published. This is a safeguard against that pesky evangelical problem of lowering everything to the least common denominator. In 1961 Martyn Lloyd-Jones lamented this very problem:
Everything is being brought down to the same level; everything is being cheapened. The common man is made the standard and the authority; he decides everything, and everything has got to be brought down to him. You are getting it on your wireless, your television, in your newspapers; everywhere standards are coming down and down. Are we to do this with the Word of God? I say, No! What has always happened in the past has been this: an ignorant, illiterate people in this country and in foreign countries, coming into salvation, have been educated up to the Book and have begun to understand it, and to glory in it, and to praise God for it. I am here to say that we need to do the same at this present time.”[1]
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
With the advent of the Internet, then the smartphone, then social media, the problem of everything being lowered to the least common denominator has worsened. Our target audience is not professional Christians. But neither do we write in a way that makes immature and “worldly Christians” the standard. Could it be that appealing to the hollowness of the modern attention-deficit mind makes for even more hollowness? There has been a gradual realignment where people, even church members, take pride in their ignorance rather than their knowledge. God opposes the proud either way (1 Pt. 5:5). It’s a phenomenon of the absorption of all theological reflection into 280 characters. To meet the challenge of the rewired mind of smartphone addiction, don’t we need to boil God’s truth down to 280 characters?
The answer is, yes, at times. But neither should we refuse to read things longer than 280 characters. While it is harder and harder to generate enthusiasm for deep-delved learning in the pew today, perhaps that’s because in the minds of the watch-glancing pew sitter, to be educated up to the things of God is to become a professional Christian—a stuffy Christian-academic who parses verbs, translates Hebrew, and insufficiently loves the poor. For the record, the Christian academics I know are far from stuffy and don’t live as if translating ancient languages and loving the poor are mutually exclusive.
To seek to be educated up to the things of God is not a call for more stuffy Christian academics who cough in ink. Rather, it is to confess that the tastes and preferences of the natural man need to be put to death (Rom. 8:13), the inner self needs to be renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16), and Christians ought to grow up in every way into Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:15).
In sum, the purpose of the Trinity Reformed Church blog is to help the members “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pt. 3:18).
Difficult to Believe
Too Happy with the World
Baptists and Baptism: What Will It Take to Achieve Catholicity?
Why Teach on Baptism?
Books and Reading
Book Recommendations (2021)
Book Recommendations (2022)
Enlarge Your Soul
Catholicity and What it is Not
25 Theses on why we use a book of old confessions
What if Christians taught the Christian creed?
Why do we recite an ecumenical creed every Sunday?
Review of Anthony Bradley's article on critical race theory
T.S. Eliot's Nehemian Vision
Defenders of Civilization
Class Catechism: English Civil War through American Civil War
Class Catechism: U.S. History 20th - 21st Century
Class Catechism: The New Testament
Class Catechism: Economics
The Lost Timeline of Learning
Engaging the Culture
The Ghosts of Modern Science: How Darwin and Huxley Redefined the World
How Should Christians Remember King George III?
Christians and History and Christian History
The Caging of God
White Man's Backlash
The Dubious Diversity Rationale
A New Vision for Virtue in Public Things
Dude Remix
Violence and the Secular Society
The Authenticity Ethos versus Biblical Christianity
God and Culture
God and Self-Realization
God and Psychotherapy
Christian Reflections for Veterans Day
All Culture Making is Local
The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate
John Calvin and the American Republic
What to do about the secular takeover?
How Should Christians Respond to Censure?
What to do When Your Boss Encourages You to Support the Moral Revolution
An Eschatology of Fellowship
Apolitical Postmillennialism
This World and the Next
Subjectivism: The Tie that Binds
A Short History of Evangelical Confusion
Studies in Reversal
Straightening our Path
A Game Plan for Slumped Shouldered Christians
What is it? Explaining the Gist of Good Preaching
Too Happy with the World
Evangelicalism: A Diagnostic Exam
Thick or Thin?
Family and The Household
Questions This Dad Has for the College Recruiter Who has Come for My Child
Understanding Youthful Arrogance
Why Do Teenage Boys Start Cussing?
T.S. Eliot's 'Nehemian' Vision
The Weapon of Submission
Husbands and Headship
Grandparenting and the Transcendent Summons
The City Unveiled: Encouragements for Family Devotions
So We're The Church That Hosts English Country Dances
C.S. Lewis on the Christian Household
Reflections on the Great Commission
Pornography Canceled
The Complicated Topic of Self-Love
How to fight a spirit of self-satisfaction
Why Do Teenage Boys Start Cussing?
The Great Commission
Principles for Distancing: Or When do I Stop Ministering to that Person?
The Danger of a Half-Gospel
Reflections on the Great Commission
The Reformation
The Reformation: What is it?
The Reformation: Why was it Necessary?
The Reformation: What was it tragic?
Waiting for a King
Faith, Conversion, and the Mysteries of God
Laughter is Resurrection
Following God from a Distance
The Call to Persistence
Preparing for the World to Come
Rinse and Repeat: Encouragements to Press On
Launch Out Into the Deep
A Brief Theology of Possessions
Theocracy: The Christian Hope
What is the Relationship Between Apostasy and Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate
Six Principles of Christian Fasting
One Little Word Shall Fell Him
[1] D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Knowing the Times (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth 1989), 112.