
Engaging Culture

Engaging Culture

The Cross-Examination of Christian Nationalism

Trinity Admin

Jul 8, 2024

One of the things I learned from the late Dr. Gary North was the importance of intellectual honesty. A fierce debater, skilled writer, and an ardent Postmillennialist...

The Forgotten Requirement of the Dominion Mandate

Jason Cherry

Apr 24, 2023

God made human beings in his image as people who require knowledge (Prov. 18:15). To argue otherwise, to argue that we don’t require knowledge, is to spit in...

John Calvin and the American Republic

Matthew Carpenter

Apr 17, 2023

John Calvin’s theology, as well as his influence on the civil government of Geneva, significantly influenced the founding of the United States. The Founding Fathers...

The Caging of God

Jason Cherry

Aug 15, 2022

Nat Hentoff said that “Fiction is sometimes more real than fact … it can tell you more than facts.” What follows is a fictional conversation. Conference Speaker: Thank...

A New Vision for Virtue in Public Things

Jason Cherry

Aug 8, 2022

Despite a surge of political interest in Protestant intellectual life, there is still a fundamental misunderstanding about how to bring Christian influence...

White Man's Backlash

Jason Cherry

Jul 25, 2022

It was all predictable. The whole mise en scene of Black Lives Matter and the woke propaganda invited the not altogether worthy spectacle of the inevitable backlash...

Dude Remix

Jason Cherry

Jul 4, 2022

With the Obergefell decision in June of 2015, the sodomy lobby got everything it wanted. What next? It used to be LGB rights. Now it's LGBT rights and the “T”...

The Authenticity Ethos Versus Biblical Christianity

Jason Cherry

Jun 13, 2022

The ubiquitous expectation in modern life is to “be true to oneself,” which means the foremost concern and superseding moral imperative is the cultivation of the self...

The Dubious Diversity Rationale

Jason Cherry

Apr 18, 2022

It's hard to date the beginning of the madness. Maybe you trace it to the death of George Floyd in May of 2020, the shooting of Michael Brown in August of 2014, the...

God and Self-realization

Gage Crowder

Apr 4, 2022

In the recent articles “God and Culture” and “God and Psychotherapy,” we have been introduced to several important and helpful observations about dangers of life...

God and Psychotherapy

Jason Cherry

Mar 14, 2022

We recently wrote an article entitled “God and Culture” where we argued there is a certain folly and falsity to think one can live in a place without being shaped by it..

God and Culture

Jason Cherry

Mar 7, 2022

Ideas drive out good ideas, it’s helpful to occasionally take stock of some ideas that have pushed their way into the driver’s seat. Since culture is changing ...

What to Do About the Secular Takeover?

Jason Cherry

Jan 31, 2022

This is the question that Christians continue to ask. What are we to do about the growing secular influence, especially within the church? The answer is that we must...

Christian Reflections for Veterans Day

Jason Cherry

Nov 10, 2021

This week is Veteran’s Day and there are distinct Christian reasons for honoring our military Veterans. Christians are commanded to give “respect to whom respect is ...

How Should Christians Respond to Censure?

Jason Cherry

Aug 31, 2021

If you found this article helpful, you might enjoy reading our article, "What to do when your boss encourages you to join the moral revolution." This is not the time ...

All Culture-Making is Local

Jason Cherry

Jul 27, 2021

Culture-making is one of the ways we change the world. But we should think small before we think big. Tip O’Neill famously said, “All politics is local.” What if we ...

What to do when your boss encourages you to support the moral revolution

Jason Cherry

Jun 10, 2021

This article was originally published at The Theopolis Institute and can be found by clicking here. Many Christians find themselves working for businesses or ...

Questions This Dad has for the State University Recruiter who has Come for my Child

Jason Cherry

Apr 16, 2021

In your experience, are Christian students more likely to win unbelievers to Christ or lose Christ altogether? Will my child be taught critical theory at your school?...

Christianity's Vital Role in Society

Jason Cherry

May 20, 2024

Civil society needs Christianity and Christians need to be the first to recognize why. There is a tide rising against historic Christianity and Christians are...

Why Do We Ask Why?

Jason Cherry

Feb 5, 2024

Imagine a father and his three-year-old daughter step out for a neighborhood stroll. The familiar sights and sounds hum around them. The sun, in its gentle descent...

Review of Joel Biermann, Wholly Citizens: God’s Two Realms and Christian Engagement with the World

Jason Cherry

Sep 18, 2023

The relationship between the church and the state is a controversial subject in the current climate. It was also a controversial subject during the Reformation...

Toward Christian Virtue in the Temporal Realm

Jason Cherry

Aug 21, 2023

One year ago we published this article casting a vision for promoting God’s will in the temporal realm. If you haven’t read the article, you can do so here...

Modern Ironies and The Industrial Revolution

Jason Cherry

Jul 24, 2023

The Industrial Revolution changed the world. In some ways, the changes have been good. In some ways, they haven’t been. The changes are more than just HVAC units and...

The New Virtue of Compromise

Jason Cherry

Jul 3, 2023

Nat Hentoff said that “Fiction is sometimes more real than fact … it can tell you more than facts.” What follows is a fictional conversation. Cherry: Why are you...

Is Huntsville an Abortion Sanctuary City?

Jason Cherry

May 1, 2023

Plato once said that mankind is simultaneously capable of censoring injustice and committing it.[1] On October 13, 2022, the Huntsville City Council passed Resolution...

How is Kingdom Optimism different from the Power of Positive Thinking?

Jason Cherry

Apr 3, 2023

Introduction In 1952 the minister Norman Vincent Peale published his best-selling book, The Power of Positive Thinking. It sold 2.5 million copies from 1952 – 1956 and...

Should Christians Sign the DEI Statement?

Jason Cherry

Mar 20, 2023

One of the developing trends is for companies, governments, colleges, and professional guilds to require their people to sign DEI statements (diversity...

Transgender Roundup

Jason Cherry

Feb 20, 2023

The reason we need to engage in cultural apologetics is that the history of the evangelical church shows a tendency for cultural interests to eclipse biblical norms...

Dude Remix (an introduction to January Sunday School)

Jason Cherry

Dec 12, 2022

With the Obergefell decision in June of 2015, the sodomy lobby got everything it wanted. What next? It used to be LGB rights. Now it's LGBT rights and the “T”...

The Ghosts of Modern Science: How Darwin and Huxley Redefined the World

Jason Cherry

Oct 24, 2022

It started with latent unbelief. Not with science or scientific evidence, but with a restrained spirit of revolt, hemmed in only by the bib and tucker of the Victorian...

How Should Christians Remember King George III?

Jason Cherry

Sep 12, 2022

It’s ironic that Americans think King George III was mad when they’ve been going mad over the “last king of America”[1] for over 200 years. The two Thomas’ started...

Christians and History and Christian History

Jason Cherry

Aug 29, 2022

This article originally appeared at The Classical Difference. Henry Ford famously said history is “bunk,” by which he meant that people should live in the present and...

3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


3912 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville, AL 35810

P.O. Box 174, Huntsville, AL 35804


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trinity reformed church